
Get In Touch

Contact us today with any questions or custom requests. I’m always happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return merchandise if it does not fit?

Please contact me to discuss any sizing issues.

How safe is it to shop at WLMC? Is my data secure?

Our website is SSL-protected, and any data you enter is encrypted. You may verify this in your web browser’s address bar (lock symbol).

You can check my Google ratings here if you need to confirm my reputation.

What actually occurs following a purchase?

After placing an order, you will receive an email confirmation. This confirmation is issued within minutes of your order’s receipt. If you do not receive this confirmation, it is likely due to a technical issue or a typo in your email address (e.g. typo). In this situation, please contact me immediately at with the anticipated order time, products ordered, or order number.

Do I receive a bill for my purchase?

Yes! The PDF invoice will be attached to the order confirmation email.

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